Emma Lundie's with the Food Fest team prepping for this weekend, but Christine Smallwood had time to get her on the hot seat for the last in her series of Festival Q and A's.
What’s your most memorable meal, and why?
My Mum’s 70th birthday meal in Sardinia with 10 of my family. We collected a whole suckling pig from a local shepherd which was a bit gruesome, but when it was cooked was the most amazing tasting pork I've eaten. It was laid on myrtle leaves which the shepherd had given us to go with it, for aroma, then we served it up with fennel and potatoes and that was it. It was simple but it was absolutely delicious, it was my family together and it was just lovely.
What’s your favourite or most used cooking tool?
Fish slice. I make pancakes a lot of mornings for my youngest son so, it's well used for that, but generally I just think it’s a brilliant and most useful tool. But it has to be stainless steel, not a floppy silicone or plastic one.
Your favourite vegetable and way of eating it?
Potato. Probably dauphinoise. But I really do like a jacket potato, cooked really slowly so soft in the middle and with a good crust on the outside, served with proper butter and lots of good quality cheddar, like Montgomerys. Not melted. I like the cold of the cheese against the steaming, buttery potato.
Do you eat or skip breakfast? And what do you typically eat?
Oh definitely eat. It varies. I’m quite serious about breakfast. It could be a boiled egg with a slice of toast , porridge or, I might heat up some frozen fruit with juice then add oats, nuts and seeds then leave it to soak while I do the school run. When I get back I stir in some yoghurt and my morning mush is ready. That’s quite a favourite.
Is there a food that other food lovers rave about, but that you don’t get, or like?
Foie gras, foie gross. I just don’t get it.
Do you have a cheap, mass-produced food that is far from good for you, but that you find hard to resist?
Prawn cocktail crisps. In fact most crisps, but prawn cocktail are the best. Or those Tyrell’s sweet chilli ones as well, they’re nice. But crisps!